I am not always nice.

Lisa did not remember how any of it happened. Only thing she could remember was, immediately she came down from the car, he pulled her by the arm and out of impulse, she had flipped him over her shoulder. 

It was at the moment she heard him squeal in pain that she realised what she had done.

She could see Amanda looking at the both of them in shock. 

"Oh my God! Did she.....did she just...." Joel tried to say something as he pointed a finger at Lisa's direction but Anna on the other hand, continued to laugh.

"Good for him. You should go drive Amanda home." She said before her eyes caught sight of something.

"Over there!" She called Joel's attention towards a reporter who was eagerly capturing the moment. 

Joel was finally able to come out from shock when he saw the man taking shots of Tom who was about to stand up from the ground.

"I'll handle it." He assured Anna before running after the reporter who also began to run when he noticed someone was chasing after him. 

"I am sorry Mr Hwang. It was not intentional" Lisa said to Tom without making any effort to help pull him up. 

"Ouch! I think I broke my arm" He wailed immediately he stood firm and held his right elbow with his other hand. 

"Are you okay?" Amanda hurried to where Tom was standing when she came out from the shock. In the process of going to meet him, she pushed Lisa aside but surprisingly, Lisa didn't budge. 

Amanda glared at her back before asking her to move out of her way. 

Lisa did not bother to turn to look at her, neither did she move away from the spot. Rather, her gaze was fixed on Tom. 

"Really? Are you sure you didn't do it on purpose to pay me back for calling you over here and ruining your d—" He stopped talking and closed his eyes to take in a deep breath. 

He realised he had been talking too much and he didn't want her to know he had sent someone to follow her.

"Mr Hwang, always try not to touch me. I do not like it. And I cannot promise you that something like this would not happen again the next time you do." She said to him with a straight face and a curt bow.

"I asked you to move!" Amanda said angrily. 

Lisa was standing directly in front of Tom and if she wanted to speak with Tom, then Lisa had to move.

But why couldn't she just go stand beside Tom? Lisa wondered as she turned around to look at Amanda who was glaring daggers at her and panting out of anger. 

"You should mind the way you speak. I am not always nice." She threatened in a low voice. 

It was bad enough that she had to always listen to Tom's orders, she didn't want this little rat to start thinking she could control her just because she was Tom's friend. 

'Quite daring.' Tom thought to himself as he listened to the girls.

Amanda pursed her lips and swallowed hard as she continued to glare at Lisa.

She couldn't believe a mere bodyguard had this kind of intimidating aura and could threaten her like that. 

"Do you want to lose your job?" She shot back at Lisa as she tried her best not to lose this game of intimidation.

A tiny smirk appeared on Lisa's face when she heard her. "Make me." She mouthed before turning around to look at Tom again.

"Let's just leave." He said before opening the door while trying his best to not show how much pain he was going through.


The drive would have been a quiet and peaceful one if Amanda had not been fawning over Tom like a mother hen.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? It may get worse." 

"I am alright. What would you like to eat?" He asked her, changing the topic.

"Why do you still keep someone like this beside you?" Amanda asked with a frown as she looked at Lisa's direction.

"I thought you said you were starving? Do you have any special spot where you eat?"

Amanda got the hint that he really was not in the mood to talk about that topic so she let it slide.

"There's a nice spot outside of town. They sell really nice Chicken pepper soup. I visited the place three days ago. Would have asked us to go there but you need to rest at home."

Amanda paused before looking at the front seat. 

"We could drop by your place while your driver go over there to get it for us." She said to Tom with an innocent smile. 

Lisa's gaze darkened but she said nothing and continued to drive. 

"I told you before. Her name is Berlin." 

He did not like the fact that Amanda was always referring to her as 'your driver' 

"Oh.." She said with an awkward smile. "Berlin. Sorry." 

"We can all just go there together. Running errands like that isn't a part of her job" He explained.

'Another point for him.' Lisa thought. It was a good thing he knew the right thing. She should have added his name into her black book if he had sent her on that type of errand.

"Do you like Chicken pepper soup?"

Amanda wondered why Tom was asking her that question when she had just mentioned she liked it but then, she noticed he was actually looking at his driver.

"Germany. Do you like it?" He asked with a straight face. 

Lisa didn't know he had been talking to her so she was a bit surprised to hear him call her name.

"Germany?" Amanda looked at Tom in confusion. Was that also her name or it was a nickname he gave to her? She wondered with a deep frown.

Her frown darkened when she noticed he wasn't paying attention to her.

"Or have you eaten already?" He asked her with a frown. 

When Lisa looked at the rearview mirror, her eyes met his.

"I am fine." She answered before turning to focus her gaze on the road. 

"I wasn't asking you how you were doing. Are you hungry?" 

"Tom!" Amanda called him in annoyance. She could not believe what she was seeing, neither did she want to believe what she was suspecting. 

Tom turned to look at Amanda. It was at that moment that he remembered Joel had advised him to treat Amanda well so Lisa would notice him. 

But what had he done instead?