Father Vs Son

Lisa knew she was in deep trouble. She had known so from the very moment she saw Mr Hwang through the digital peephole.

Only two reasons would make him suddenly visit unannounced— either he was aware about what she had done to his son, or he came for something else. And even if he was there for something else, the cast in Tom's hand would surely expose everything. 

If Mr Hwang really wanted to fire her, then it was over for her. Not only did she fail in her duty, she had failed her mission and her entire gang. And this mission was a very vital one. Would Mr Hwang trust Mr Adams to provide him with other bodyguards in the future? 

About a month ago when Tom was attacked by a group of gang members, they had been aware because they had already been onto him then. 

She knew he would have died that day if she hadn't stepped up to save him which also led her to take the bullet on her back. That had been her first encounter with Thomas Hwang. But then, she didn't know much about him, neither did she take note about what he looked like. Her only concern had been to save him.After the incident that night, they had sent word to make sure Mr Hwang heard that the other group who had appeared and saved Tom's life  were the bodyguards from Mr Adam's company who had been out training and had helped  whe  they saw him being attacked. 

That had made Mr Hwang to come look for a new bodyguard in Mr Adam's company.

Everything had been their plan from the very beginning. And why did the other gang members suddenly attack Tom that day? That had been their plan also.

"What the hell do you think you are doing right now?" Tom roared at his father with angry eyes before moving to stand in-between the two of them. 

"How could you hit her? Who gave you the permission to hit my employee?" 

Mr Hwang ignored Tom and fixed his gaze on Lisa who was standing behind him with her head down.

Lisa closed her eyes while her hands were fisted beside her as she tried to control the fire in her eyes. She feared they might see the desire to kill in her eyes if she lifted her head.

Even a rat like him had the guts to hit her? 'Hwang Zhendan.' His name had just been added to her blacklist. 

After a few seconds, she slowly dropped to her knees. 

'This is for them. This is for us. This is for me.' She reminded herself. She had to be humiliated in order for her to rise. She had experienced worse. This was nothing.

"I am sorry. I was wrong and deserve to die. But please forgive me." She tried her best to sound sincere as she looked at the floor with dark eyes. 

Tom was startled when he saw and heard her. If there was any form of emotion he wanted her to show, this wasn't one of them. He didn't want this one bit. 

"What do you think you are doing?" He yelled at her in anger before ordering her to get up. But Lisa did not budge.

"I am so disappointed in you Hwang Thomas. You always have a way of proving yourself unworthy to be a member of this family."

Tom's eyes darkened while his fist clenched. 

Both father and son stared at each other while their breathing increased. 

Lisa wondered what was wrong with Tom. Why was he trying to ruin her plans? What if doing this made Mr Hwang become even more angry and fire her? She just could not understand what Tom was thinking in that empty head of his. 

As Mr Hwang looked at Lisa who was still quiet with her head down, he called for the people outside to come inside in a loud voice. 

To Tom's shock, his door opened and he saw four men who looked like they belonged to the special forces enter inside his house. His frowned deepened even more.

Firstly, how did they know his passcode? Secondly, why were they here? 

He didn't  wait long before his second question was answered. 

"Take her away!" Mr Hwang ordered the men as he turned to leave. But he only succeeded in taking a step before he heard Tom's angry voice behind him.

"If any of you lay your hands on her..... you won't like me." He said with dark eyes. 

He didn't like the fact that his father was being so rude and annoying. Worse of all, Lisa wasn't listening to him.

"What do you think you are doing Thomas? I employed her. I can also fire her whenever I want to."

"She works for me. And if I say she goes nowhere then she goes nowhere." Tom stated.

"I am doing this for you. Why are you being such an ungrateful son?" 

"For me?" Tom laughed dryly. "It's for yourself Chairman Hwang. You're doing this for yourself. So stop acting like a doting father. It's annoying."

Mr Hwang began to pant from anger.  

"I said take her away. What are you waiting for!?" 

Before the men could take a step, Tom's voice came again. 

"You all don't want to annoy me." 

At this point, the men stood there in confusion, looking between father and son.

"Are you sleeping with her already?" Mr Hwang asked with a deep frown. That could only explain why his son was doing this right?

The question surprised  Lisa but unlike her, Tom was unfazed as he asked his father with a straight face...

"Aren't you embarrassed to be asking me this kind of question in front of a lot of strangers?" 

Mr Hwang looked at the men through the corner of his eyes and realised he had gone a bit overboard. 

"You all wait outside." He ordered and waited for them to leave before he asked again. 

"You are sleeping with her aren't you?"