I needed to keep my job!

"Aren't you one very strange girl?" Tom asked Lisa who was still kneeling even after his father had left in anger. 

"Do you still want me to tell you to stand up or you enjoy kneeling on the floor?" 

Lisa slowly stood up, but her mind was occupied with a lot of thoughts. 

Something seemed different about him earlier.  She had not expected him to speak to his father in such manner. Everyone had heard the rumours that Mr Hwang doted on his son, but she could not still understand everything that had happened. 

Was there more to it? They did not look really close like the rumour had made them to be. And she could remember now that Thomas had not visited his parents house ever since she started working for him. She also had never heard him speak with his father on the phone, and this was the first time Mr Hwang was visiting.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Do you think I am so cool for standing up for you and now you're smitten?" He asked with a teasing smile. 

'He is back to his old self.' She thought to herself. When she looked at him intently, she noticed even his smile right now was not like the old one. He seemed different. 

Tom was about to say something else when he suddenly paused and walked closer to her. He noticed a little scratch in her face, probably from his father's fingernail and his gaze darkened. 

Lisa began to wonder why he was staring at her like that. She used a hand to touch her face and noticed the little scratch there when it stung her a bit.

"Don't touch it." He ordered her before taking a few steps backward while trying his best to control his raging temper.

"About earlier—" Lisa began to speak but was interrupted by him.

"Nah. You don't have to thank me. That's just my nature. Would have done that for any one else" He explained in a brisk tone.

"I acutally wanted to say.. you shouldn't have done that"

He looked at her with disbelief clearly evident in his face. "Wow!" He exclaimed. "You have a very special way of saying 'thank you'" He said before turning around towards the direction of their rooms.

"Come with me. We need to use some ointment in your face and also treat that scratch" He said in a tone that showed he wasn't bargaining with her. He was simply telling her what to do.

Ointment? Lisa wondered. She didn't see any need for that one bit. Why would he be bothered about her or her face? 

"It doesn't hurt. I am fine." She said to his back.

He turned around and gave her a cold stare. "What is your problem?" He asked in a angry voice.

Lisa was a bit startled since he had never spoken to her harshly before. 

"How can you say you are fine? He hit you for goodness sake!" He said out of annoyance.

Lisa looked at him with confusion written all over her face. 

'Is he.... worried about me right now?' What was the fuss about a little scratch? She had experienced worse. In fact, this was nothing. So why was he making it out to be a big deal?

"I'll use a bandage for it. It would stop it from leaving a scar"

There was a little pause as Tom just stared at her with a dark look on his face.

"I won't lie Germany. I was truly disappointed in you earlier" He said in a low voice. 

Again, she was startled. What did she do? 

"You of all people, I believe should at least know how to take care of yourself regardless of whoever is bullying you. When it involves me, you always act all controlling and powerful, but you just stood there and watched him do all those shitty things he did. And then you did what? Kneel down to beg him? Like seriously?" 

"Was my judgement wrong about you? Are you like every other girl waiting for a knight to come save you from being bullied?" 

Lisa had never been so shocked and surprised in her entire life. Was he really telling her this right now? What has gotten into him? 

"I even asked you to stand up!" He suddenly raised his voice when he remembered how she had continued kneeling there despite telling her to stand up.

"What? did you also think that I am not capable of saving you? Do you really look down on me that much?" 

"What the hell was I supposed to do? I needed to keep my job" She suddenly raised her voice back at him. She could not take it anymore. She could not stand being scolded by this annoying jerk. 

"You were supposed to listen to me!" He yelled right back at her. He was a bit shocked to hear her raise her voice but that wasn't the point right now. 

"You were supposed to do what I asked you to. Then, my father would not look down on me or you anymore."

"He employed me for goodness sake!" 

"But you work for me. You stay in my house, you sleep in my room, you eat the foods I buy, you drive me about, and you are always with me. So who do you think has the right to fire you?" 

Lisa opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She wondered why she was having this quarrel with him or even explaining herself. This was so unlike her.

"Germany..." He suddenly called her in a low voice. "I'm sorry for yelling. But you must keep this in mind, the next time something like this happens again, I'll really fire you. For real."

"Wait here. I'll go get the first aid box" He added before walking away.

Lisa blinked a couple of times before scoffing out. She had no idea what to think or say. She was simply speechless.