Who is Germ?

Amanda ignored the greeting of the maids inside the house and just strolled upstairs with a cold expression on her face.

Her mother caught a glimpse of her as she entered inside her room and ran after her but she was rewarded with the loud bang of the door which startled her. 

"What is wrong? Didn't Tommy like my food?" Mrs Park asked curiously immediately she entered inside Amanda's room. 

Amanda ignored her mother and began to take off her earring before tying her hair in a ponytail.

"What is it? What is wrong?" Mrs Park continued to ask in worry since Amanda returned on time.

It wasn't even up to two hours since she left the house for Tom's and now she was back. 

"That bastard. I am so pissed!" Amanda suddenly yelled before sweeping everything on her vanity table to the floor. 

"What do you think you are doing? Those creams are expensive!" Mrs Park complained before rushing over to pick up the items that weren't broken. 

Amanda continued to look at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were red and her chest heaved out of anger.

"I really underestimated that girl" She said in a low, angry voice. 

"What? Which girl?" 

"Kim— Berlin."

"Tommy's bodyguard? Did she annoy you again?"

"She lives in the same house with him." 

Mrs Park was not surprised. If she was his bodyguard,  it made sense that they lived together right? 

"So what's the matter?" She pressed.

"Tom likes her. Maybe he doesn't even realise it yet, that's why he's so open and annoying about it.

"Oh my!" Mrs Park exclaimed.  "Does he 'like like' her? Or he just wants to play around? You know that's how he is." 

"I'm not stupid. I know what I am talking about." She looked at her mother in annoyance before she began to strip out of her gown. 

"I don't know how you'll do it. But you have to speak with his family. She should get fired immediately.  I can't deal with her." Amanda said in a calm voice before she picked up her gown from the floor.

"No problem my darling. I'll  have this all sort out. Relax your pretty head and do not think about anything else." Mrs Park assured her.


Before Tom went back inside his room, he first disposed off the food Amanda had brought for him.

He thought it was best to order for something for himself and Germany to eat. It was already approaching noon and they hadn't had anything to eat yet. And asking Germany to cook would be a bad idea plus he wasn't  ready to let her know he could use his hands. If not, he would have prepared a mouth watering dish for her.

When he picked up his phone to place the order, he was surprised to see the many missed calls from Joel. He knew Joel wouldn't just call him like this if something was not up so immediately, he called Joel back. 

"Where the hell have you been man?" Joel raised his voice in anger. 

"Long story. What's wrong?"

"Mrs Kang called me to ask whether I've seen or heard from Anna this morning. I think something happened. Have you heard from her?"

"Shit! I haven't heard from here. Where have you checked?" He asked as he pulled off the cast in his hand and began to change into something else.

"I've checked everywhere I could think of but did not find her. I tried tracking her phone but she left it in her house." 

"Alright. Keep searching and keep me updated. I'll also check some places."

As he was about to end the call, Joel asked. "Why didn't you take your calls earlier?"

"Like I said... long story?" 

"Were you having fun with Germ?" 

Tom could hear the smile in his voice and frowned. 

"Germ? Who is Germ? Are you trying to annoy me?" He asked in a low voice as he stood in front of Lisa's door while contemplating whether to ask her to follow him out or not. 

"I'll call you later." Tom hung up before knocking on her door. 

After after a few seconds, her door slowly opened. 

He wondered why she was always looking so formal even when she was indoors. Maybe she was always ready because he could call her at anytime?

She still wore the white button shirt and blank suit pants she wore earlier. He thought she probably would have changed since they weren't planning to go anywhere else. 

Regardless, she looked pretty. He thought the bandage on her face must be really happy to be the chosen one sticking to her pretty face. 

Lisa looked at him and wondered why he was quiet. Didn't he come to tell her something?

She had been deep in thought before his knock came in.

She kept remembering how he had looked at her lips lustfully. He was Hwang Thomas anyway. The world's best playboy. So it was expected of him. 

But why had he looked at her that way? She could swear he didn't like her. He only liked teasing her and making her job miserable for her. So what was with him and his constant change in attitude?

"I need to go out. Can you be ready in a minute?" He asked her in a low voice.

As she began to speak, his eyes fell on her lips again. Now he was very sure he had been possessed because he kept staring.

He noticed her lips stopped moving and realised she was done talking. He hadn't heard a thing she'd said to him. 

He saw her turn back and disappear inside her room. When he began to ask himself what she was doing, the door opened again. Now, her shirt was well tucked inside her trouser and she was wearing a flat shoe instead of the house slipper she had been wearing.

Without saying anything else, she walked past him and head outside. 

He watched her back intently and shook his head. One way or the other, he was going to get her. For now, he would just allow her do what she liked.

At least, she was saying more words to him now and he had seen how she reacted when he was so close to her earlier.

He just had to keep doing more and one day, the ice queen would melt. 

Oh... there was still an obstacle. He remembered her 'boyfriend' Li Chen.

He wondered why he hadn't heard from his private investigator concerning him. He had to know more about him. He needed to know what was so special about him that made her fall for him. And he was going to do double. 

He began to chuckle as he left the house.