Where is Hwang Thomas?

"I have been waiting for you" Mrs Hwang said to her husband as she helped him pull off his suit jacket. 

"You should always remember your health is more important." She reminded him with a smile. 

"If there is no power, good health is pointless. First, it is power. Health can come after that." He said to her as he took the stairs leading to his room. 

"How is it going with the women?" He asked her as he approached his bedroom's door. 

"So far it's been good. Just a little cash in their bank accounts and you'll be sure to have all of their supports including their families" She assured him with a smile before following her husband inside his room. She could not remember the last time she entered inside. 

"I met with Mrs Park today."

"So? She's still with us isn't she?" Mr Hwang asked qs he unbuttoned his shirt. 

"Yes. But I heard something... improper." She paused and moved closer to help her husband unbutton the rest.