Don't move.

"Are you sure you'll be okay alone?" Joel asked Anna as he prepared to leave. 

Tom had helped her pay for a room in a fancy hotel because Anna's parents could easily pester Joel or monitor his movement to know where Anna was.  But Tom on the other hand was neutral to them. Tom didn't like them and they also didn't like Tom either. If not because their parents were close with each other both parties wouldn't have had anything to do with each other. It was the reason Anna's mother had not bothered to call him to ask whether he had seen Anna. Joel was the friendly one who always got along with everyone unlike Tom whose ways didn't seem as pure as they appeared.  Anna's parents often wondered why their daughter was still friends with him. 

"I told you I'll be fine. You didn't have to come here by this time of the night." Anna said to Joel as she applied a cream on her face while looking at the mirror.