You've kissed her?

"We have to be quick. I have other plans for the day." Lisa said as she followed Li Chen inside a room full of computers and projectors. It was no surprise since she had been in here before. 

They were both inside one of the rooms in his private villa.

Although Li Chen was an actor and had a busy life, he also liked to stay alone most times and play with his computers, so whenever he was less free, he usually came here to self isolate.

So far, only a few people knew about this house. It was simple, classy, and perfect.

He pulled a chair closer in front of a computer and asked her to sit while he arched his back and began to use the monitor to show her some things on the computer. 

"I was just playing around one time and accidentally bumped into these. I don't know if you're aware but look..." He explained from behind her as he used the cursor so circle at a particular picture.