Movie Night (2)

"Did you watch the interview?" Mrs Hwang asked immediately her husband entered through the front door that night. 

The plethora of bodyguards that had been following him around bowed to greet her but she simply waved them away without responding. They weren't surprised, she was always like that.

"I did." He answered uninterestedly. He obviously knew the interview she was talking about even though there had been thousands of interviews all over the world today.

"I thought you would." She nodded, looking pleased. "I am glad Tommy is doing just fine"

She said before standing up to help him with his suitcase.

Mrs Hwang wore a simple cream colored house gown and small white house slipper. Her face looked clean and pure— she looked like she had just finished one of her evening facial session. Her hair was let loose to flow freely and her eyes sparkled as she smiled at her husband lovingly.