Were you disappointed?

Tom patiently waited inside the sitting room for Lisa to join him. A lot was going to happen tonight. A whole lot. And he couldn't wait for the night to start already.

He quickly turned when he noticed her presence. Just as expected, she looked stunning, elegant, beautiful. She looked like a real princess and he couldn't help but smile as he watched her take those slow steps to where he was standing. This night, he was never going to forget in a hurry.

He held out his hand for her to take it and reluctantly, she slid her hand into his and he gave it a gentle squeeze. 

Strangely, her heart skipped a beat when their hands touched. These past few days, she had been noticing these heart palpitations and it was no longer becoming funny to her.

For a minute, they both stared at each other. Tom was dead handsome. He wore a dark tux, hair was slicked backwards, diamond earring on his left earlobe, strangely, he wore diamond rings in three fingers.