I.. am pretty?

"That's your friend again?" Feng Jianhong asked when he heard Anna's phone beep for the fourth time.

They were both currently sitting at the backseat of his luxury car.

When they got there earlier, he had patiently waited for her outside his car so she could clean up and when she was done, he was reluctant to return to the party. She had noticed and asked for them to just remain inside the car instead, which he had gladly obliged to.

Anna looked at her phone briefly and nodded. "Yes. It's him"

Joel was asking where she was and why she wasn't replying his messages.

"You could just tell him you're in the parking lot with me." Jianhong suggested.

"Then he'll come here and pull me away. I want them to worry about me a little"

"You realise they'll end up hating me for it right?" He asked with a small laugh.