I don't want to live like this.

For two days Tom had tried to reach Lisa but her line remained unreachable. He hadn't wanted to go over to Li Chen's house because he felt he was intruding but after the second day and he still could not reach her, he drove straight to Li Chen's house and kept ringing the doorbell until Chen opened the door. 

"I'm sorry for disturbing by this time of the night,  but where is Germany?" 

"Germany?" Chen asked with a confused expression on his face. He could vaguely guess that he was referring to Lisa but why on earth did he call her Germany? 

He had also heard him call her the same name the last time he visited and had thought something was probably wrong with his head back then. 

"Berlin. Kim Berlin. Where is she?" Tom asked impatiently as he tried to peek inside. 

For some reason, he knew she was not okay. He didn't know why he was so sure but he could feel it in his bones that something was wrong with her.