I only have one question... *UNEDITED*

A earth–wrenching scream followed by the sound of objects crashing to the floor filled the Hwang's household.

"We are so close. So very close. How could they suddenly raise that issue again? I thought you said you fixed it?" Mrs Hwang yelled at her husband angrily before sending other objects in his room crashing to the floor.

Her eyes were bloodshot and her chest kept heaving up and down out of anger. Chairman Hwang was equally frustrated. He had thought he had everything under control but unfortunately, things weren't looking so good anymore. The cops had come to his office with a search warrant and seized almost every tangible thing they could find. He knew his house was next. 

"Didn't you say you were going to find that reporter? What the hell have you been doing!?"

"This is not the time to yell. You must get rid of everything you have in your possession that is illegal" He scolded her in a low voice.