Not brotherly love?

Lisa wished time would stop. She didn't want the day to end. She wanted the five days to never come.

She looked out the window inside the room which she occupied in Tom's apartment.

"I'm sorry... But I can't tell you anything." She had told him that when he waited for an answer from her.

She couldn't tell him. She didn't want to tell him. Not only was she going to be in trouble for telling him, he was also going to be in greater danger. She knew they were going to get rid of him anyway, but she didn't want to make it faster.

"Why?" Tom had asked her while still holding her firmly. Lisa didn't show much emotion but he could tell she was afraid and he had no idea what she was scared of.

"I saw the tattoo on someone and liked it so I decided to draw same.... That's it." She said in a very low voice. 

"I don't believe you." 

She could feel him shaking his head with her head still pressed to his chest.