How did you get here?

"Mister Wen?" Tom entered inside the hospital room once the nurses told him he could visit the man he had taken there. 

Mr Wen still looked a bit awful especially with the stitches and bandages on his face and arm but thankfully, he looked alive. 

"You are the young man that brought me here?" 

He asked as he looked intently at Tom. He had been muddleheaded earlier but he could still make out Tom's face.

"Yes. I am glad you are okay" Tom answered as he moved closer to sit on the seat closest to his bed. 

"Who...are you?" Mr Wen asked as he peered at his face curiously. He could not remember ever meeting Tom anywhere before. Tom didn't look a even a bit familiar and now he was beginning to wonder what a sophisticated young man like him had been doing in his house on a rainy morning. 

"My name is Thomas." He answered honestly, deliberately leaving his surname out of it.