She is evil!

When did it become like this? Tom asked himself as he looked at Amanda's face and puckered lips.

He remembered the first time Amanda kissed him; he had seen all kinds of fireworks and it felt like a basket of butterfly was released inside his stomach because he could feel them dancing for joy inside his stomach.

Looking at her face now as she tried to kiss him, he felt nothing but disgust which caused him to cringe. The only lady's face he wanted this close to his was Lisa's. 

"You don't look pretty when your eyes are closed. Open it." He said in a quiet voice when her lips almost touched his.

"And this... is never going to happen between us." He told her with a straight face.

Amanda's eyes shot open immediately and she looked at him with a deep frown.

'He didn't just.... he didn't just reject me did he?' She asked herself in disbelief.

"When are you going to stop this Amanda?'' He asked as he pulled away from her and stood up.