I like you. Really feisty.

"Where is that girl? Call her down here before I lose my temper!" Mrs Kang said angrily immediately she entered inside the house. 

The maids looked at each other as they wondered what Anna had done this time. Couldn't the madam cut her some slack? 

The chief maid hurried to the to Anna's room and knocked lightly on the door.

"Yes? Come in" Anna said absentmindedly.

When the maid entered, she saw Anna playing a video game with her laptop with all of her attention there.

"The madam is asking for you. She sounds really pissed." She said to Anna hoping she would prepare her mind before meeting her mother.

Anna sighed and threw the game console on the bed before getting up. She wore a loose fitting Pant and top and her hair was in a messy bun. She liked to stay like that whenever she was at home and not going out. She didn't see the need for always dressing at home.