Promise me you are on my side.

"What is wrong?" Tom asked when he watched her reaction immediately she saw the picture.

Lisa was quiet. Maybe she hadn't heard his question or she was choosing not to answer, he didn't know which but he knew something was definitely wrong with her.

"How… Why…" Lisa kept her eyes on the piucture as she tried to ask him a question but she couldn't seem to know what to ask.

"Why... why is she here?" She finally asked with her eyes still wide opened.

Tom looked at her carefully and noticed how her hands which were tightly gripping the picture was shaking. Correction, her whole body was shaking.

She slowly lifted her head to look at him and asked again… "Why is she here?" She pointed at Zoe.

Tom took the picture from her hand to look at the girl's face.

He could remember he thought she looked familiar when he saw the picture but did Lisa know her? How?

"I don't know." He shook his head and answered with his eyes still on the picture.