You don't bite right?

"Do you usually not sleep or you were uncomfortable with me around?" Tom asked the next morning.

He had forced Lisa to go to bed while they cuddled together... or rather.. he cuddled her by force.

But he noticed she didn't sleep at all and because she was awake, he couldn't sleep.

It had been a miracle convincing her to not try anything stupid that night but he feared for what she may do today as he got ready to leave.

"I usually don't get much sleep." She said truthfully. 

"Are you.. coming back today?" She asked after a small pause.

"Do you want me to?" He asked with a small smile as he folded his arms.

"You can do whatever you want." She said trying to sound uninterested and indifferent.

He smiled before moving closer to her. "I'll speak with Stepahie, handle a few things and return tonight. Make sure you do not run away." He said and planted a soft kiss on her her lips.