Completely lost.

Toms jaw was left hanging as he looked at his Nanny. His brain tried to process what she had just told him. Lisa's sister had been having an affair with his father and not only that but Lin Zoe was his nanny's niece which meant Lisa was her niece?

He remembered why he thought Lisa's mother's name sounded familiar. Chou Yera. He probably must have heard his nanny mention her name a couple of times.

He could guess she was the maternal aunt and not from the paternal side.

"I… don't understand. How did everything happen? And if Lin Zoe's family was rich to the point where she held big programs, why did you work as a nanny?" He asked curiously.

He had to start from the beginning to get a better grasp of everything.

"Excuse me." She said before going to attend to the last customer who was about leaving. She quickly closed the door after seeing him out and changed the 'open' sign on the door to 'closed' before returning to sit down opposite him.