He was scary. He still is.

"Thank you so much for helping me do this Anna" Joel's sister, Song Jasmine said to Anna before pulling her into a hug.

Joel simply watched from the side. He had spent the whole day trying to help out also and was already exhausted. 

Anna looked at Joel's straight face as she patted Jasmine's back then she winked at Joel before getting up to leave.

They had all spent the whole day trying to fix up the book collection for Jasmine's book store.

"Let me buy you dinner." Jasmine offered.

"No, that's fine. I'll just head home now. There's something I need to fix." Anna said politely. 

Jasmine liked Anna. Not only was she pretty and humble despite coming from a rich home, she was also very friendly and treated everyone well. She most times wished she was as welcoming as Anna.

"Oh! I hope my asking you to come here didn't ruin the plans you had for yourself today? I feel so terrible" Jasmine said making Anna laugh.