And you did a great job.

"I said I don't know anything. I am being blackmailed!" Mrs Hwang cried as she was being taken away by the police for questioning. 

Beside her was her husband who the police were leading into the police van. He had a blank look on his face and looked completely drained of blood as the reporters kept badgering him for questions.

Amanda watched the news with surprise all over her face. 

What was suddenly happening with the Hwang family? They had really done all of that? What was she supposed to do now? 

Just then, the room door opened and she heard the sound of heels clicking with the tile. She expected it was her mother so she didn't bother to turn around to check. "If you are just going to yell, go away." Amanda said before closing her eyes.

The person ignored her and so she lifted her eyes lazily to check and to her surprise, it was her girlfriend, Selena.