Want to hear some interesting plot twist?

"I thought you weren't planning to ever come here again." Tom's Godfather said as he looked at Tom's face with a smile never leaving his own face. 

"You must be really happy to see me here." Tom said as he took his seat beside him.

"Indeed. Really happy indeed. It's good to see you. You look thin though." He noted.

"I think this suits me quite well. You should worry more about your health." He said to Ye Ying.

"Don't I already look younger than 70?" He asked with a grin making Tom to laugh.

Truthfully, he did. He was a slim, well built and really sturdy man. One may think he was in his fifties.

His hair were all black. He must really hate growing grey hairs because he always dyed his hair. 

He wore a simple tee shirt and trousers. Very simple looking man but his ways were never simple. 

"You do." Tom agreed with a nod.

"So what brings you here? I can't say it's because you missed me."