Men also feel pain.

"Hey?" Feng Jianhong said into the phone when Anna picked up.

"Hey?" She said back as she wiped the tears from her eyes and sat up on her bed.

"I thought you went to bed. Are you sure you are okay?" He asked sounding worried.

"I'm good. I'm fine." She answered with a sniff. He had called her about thirty minutes ago and she told him she was okay but it seemed he didn't believe her which was why he was calling again.

"You still don't sound fine." He noted and when she remained quiet, he spoke again..

"Can you come outside?" 

"Outside?" She asked in surprise.

"Yes. Outside your house." He repeated.

"You... are outside?" She asked in shock as she quickly stood up from the bed and began to head outside in a hurry. 

Immediately she opened the door, she saw a car parked there while Feng Jianhong's back was resting on the car as he stood there with one hand inside his pocket and the other one holding his phone.