Who are they?

Lisa and Chou Hani kept staring at each other for a long time. They were both seated opposite each other on the couch and they each studied the other person's face carefully. 

Lisa had a lot of questions to ask. But the problem was, she didn't know how to start or where to start from.

"What do you want?" Lisa was the first to break the silence after the shock completely wore off.

She couldn't just jump on her and cry tears of joy because she just found her mother.

Something was definitely not right and she had to keep her guards up until she was sure this woman didn't have any ulterior motive. 

"To see you. To help you Jaz.." 

"Don't call me that." Lisa quickly interrupted her in a cold voice. 

"My name is Lisa. Kim Lisa." 

"I named you Jasmine." Hani said with a sad smile after sighing.

"You disappeared immediately I was born.... so I was told." 

Hani didn't bother to deny it. She nodded slowly.