I am a cat.

Anna decided to leave the house and go get some fresh air that day. 

She had been indoors for too long and felt really suffocated. 

She also wanted to think about her life and know what she was to do next.

Anna hadn't bothered to call Joel to join her. She had only called to tell him Tom said hello and that was it.

She wanted to start doing things on her own from now. She wanted to depend less on her friends now. 

As she drove, she remembered Joel had told her this morning that Mr hwang had been taken in by through police so she tuned the radio for any of the news channel where she could get updates.  

Since things were already pretty rough for Tom's family. She listened to the news everyday while praying for Tom to be safe from it all.

"What is this?" She asked herself with a confused frown as she increased the volume to hear the news.