Your enraged friend.

'Dear Diary,

I know it's been quite a long time since I last updated you about my life, been up to three months. But I just want you to know I am still here. You are my only companion and I can never abandon you for anything. 

I do not know what is happening. I think I offended Zhendan. He hit me for the first time. No one has ever assaulted me like that before. I can't believe he did that to me.

I think he is suffering from depression and I feel like a terrible wife for not supporting my husband. *crying*

I pray for nothing more than to see him return to his usual cheerful self. He is such a sweet man and it breaks my heart that he is going through a lot and I cannot help him.

Do not be worried about me okay? He already promised he wouldn't beat me up again and I believe he wouldn't do so anymore, I trust him. And I love him more than anything in this world. 

Your forever best friend,

Wong Mei.'