Mr J

"I saw the news. How can that happen!?" Joel asked Anna in shock when they both met at a café that evening.

It was bad enough that Tom's parents were all over the news, now he also had to deal with Anna being on the news? 

"I didn't have any choice. She was being nasty." Anna answered with a shrug before smiling widely. 

"Didn't I look feisty? Didn't you shiver in fear  when you watched the video?" She asked with hopeful eyes like a child waiting to be praised after doing a chore.

Joel sighed before shaking his head. 

"I really do not know what you were thinking doing that to her. What if she tries to get back at you or fight back?" Joel asked sounding worried for her. 

"Then we'll fight. Mr J. asked me to always stand up for myself and it's exactly what I am doing. I am tired of people pushing me around. I want to push back now." 

"Mr J?" He asked with a raised brow.