I did it for myself... and for you.

Lisa was still torn between who to trust between her mother, Chou Hani and Uncle, Kim Yong.

Just because Chou Hani claimed to be her relation, it didn't make her suddenly begin to feel a special connection with her even though she wanted to feel so in one part of her mind. In fact, she felt more connected to Kim Yong than with Chou Hani. 

She looked at her phone until it stopped ringing and sighed. Saying she was tired was an understatement.

She could tell it was Chou Hani calling her. She had also received a call from Thirteen from her other phone who told her she needed to meet with Kim Yong again!

She stepped out of her car and stood by the side of the bridge with her hands on the rail. It was already dark but the city was till very busy and there were streetlights illuminating almost everywhere. 

She closed her eyes and took in a really deep breath as the wind swooshed over her face and made her feel a bit relieved.