I want to stop...

"Your friends are safe." Chou Hani said as she led Lisa to the door.

Even though Lisa didn't show it, she was deeply relieved. She had taken a gamble in trusting Chou Hani to help rescue Tom and Li Chen in case Kim Yong struck but thankfully, he hadn't. 

"I hope you can believe that I want to help and open your heart to accept me." She said tryimg to hold Lisa's hand but Lisa didn't give her any chance to.

"I know you are still mad at me for abandoning you but believe me, it was the only way I could protect you. I had to make sure I never appear before you until I was sure I would be able to protect you." She tried to convince Lisa who didn't bother to say a thing or even look at her.

Lisa walked out of the house and went straight outside to where her car was parked. Without even turning to look at her, she drove off.

Chou Hani looked at the door sadly even after Lisa had long left.