Pull over

"Protect yourself." Tom told Li Chen in a loud voice as the chase officially began.

"I'm doing my best!" Chen yelled back in an equally loud voice.

They both kept their eyes on the road ahead and at the back as the two cars kept trying to catch up with them. 

"Can you fire a gun?" Tom turned to ask Li Chen. 

"Of course. Why?" He asked quickly. 

Tom pressed a button close to his steering wheel and Li Chen turned to look at his backseat in surprise as the seat lifted and he saw different guns under it. 

"Wow!" Li Chen gasped in surprise and carefully reached for a gun.

"You've been prepared." He said to Tom sounding really impressed.

"I have been." Tom agreed as he took a gun from Li Chen while Li Chen quickly reached for another one. 

The car behind them fired more bullets and they knew it was not a time to dillydally else they were going to die.