An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth

"Do you think they are going to be okay?" Li Chen asked Tom who was just staring into space.

Lisa had left with Zedong so it was just the both of them inside his house.

"Let's hope so. She said she wouldn't kill him." Tom said quietly without sparing Li Chen a glance.

When Lisa told them she was leaving with Zedong, seeing the look in their eyes, she shook her head. "I won't kill him." She assured them before leaving with Zedong.

He wondered how she managed to carry out her acts without bumping into the police. 

Li Chen wanted to tell him that Lisa hadn't completed that sentence because she didn't want Tom to be scared. Of course, Lisa wouldn't kill him. She was going to make him wish for death.

Tom remained seated in his couch as he thought about how much his life changed since he met her.