I missed you

"He's here." Anna said and immediately tensed up when she heard the doorbell. 

She wasn't even done preparing the meal yet he was already at the door. What was she going to do? 

"Go get the door, I'll help you out here." Joel said. Each word had been a struggle before it came out of his lips.

"Of course not! I'm the one cooking. He's going to think you are helping me cook." She said while urging him to go open the door instead.

"Technically, that isn't wrong. I helped you a lot here." He had chopped the veggies when she went to change into her jean and tee shirt earlier.

She had even spent more time changing and he realised why, when he saw her return with a brighter face and redder lips. 

The door bell rang again. 

"Help me go get the door. Please?" Anna said as she began to run around the kitchen.

Joel sighed weakly before he turned. "Please make him feel comfortable. Let him know I'll join him soon. I'm almost done."