A family member?

"Ple...ase... don't do..." Mrs Park tried to plead with Lisa not to hurt Amanda but the words couldn't leave her mouth. 

She was very weak and tired.

Lisa really knew what she was doing with her because even though she felt excrutiating pain, Lisa had made sure not to hurt her in any place that would make her die for real. 

Her body, her sexy body. Lisa had ruined it. Maybe Lisa knew she treasured her body more than anything else in the world which was probably the reason she was doing this to her. 

Unlike what they thought, Lisa didn't hurt Amanda. She only pulled the head warmer Amanda was wearing to look at her hair then she took a few steps backward and looked at the mother and daughter.

"Because of money, you both have done evil things and hurt others." Lisa said in a quiet voice filled with sadness. 

She was also guilty of it. Kim Yong had made her do a lot of things because of his greed.