She's gone!

"Dear Wang Thomas, 

This is my first time doing this. I don't know, it just makes more sense than sending a text. 

I wouldn't have believed it if someone had told me that there would come a day where I would be very nervous because I am writing a letter. This is both annoying and exciting at the same time!

There are a few things I thought you should know. I wish I was more of a talker so I could say it all to you without it seeming weird. But I can't. 

Firstly, you are one of the prettiest men I have ever seen. 

I still remember the first time I saw a picture of you, I thought you were a lady in a man's clothing until I saw how built your body was. I was a little bit jealous because you looked a lot prettier than me. I liked yout hair, your eyes, your brows, lashes, lips, the mole on your nose, your earring, the way you smile.