Little girl

Five years later. 

Tom's phone kept ringing but he paid no attention to it. He kept typing on his laptop rapidly with nothing else in mind. 

"Here is your coffee." His secretary said as he dropped it on his desk. 

Tom didn't even bother to look up.  He only nodded to show he heard him and continued typing. Absentmindedly, he reached for the cup and took a big gulp. 

"Pffftt! Ouch. That's  hot!" He exclaimed. 

He spat it out when it burned his tongue and winced when he saw the mess he had made on his desk. His phone also kept ringing. He cussed silently before picking up the phone. 

It was Joel. 

"Why do you keep calling? Don't you have anything better to do?" Tom snapped at him. 

"Guess who's a daddy?" Joel asked excitedly, making Tom sit up. 

"Seriously?" Tom asked with wide eyes. 

"Yes. It's a girl!" 

"Wow!" Tom exclaimed in awe. "Even a bastard like you can become a father. Congratulations."