Man With Sexual Desires

●In the same casino building || Australia● Mr. K walked up to Ronan Ross with a champagne glass in his hand, a wide smile on the lips which drifted the corners up to the ears. "My dear son, I'm glad you came upon my call."The man shoved the glass in front of him which Ronan grabbed without thinking for a moment, of course he knew no one would dare to kill him.But how was he sure about that? Who would throw an axe on his own foot knowingly, Ronan Ross_ the name who was the heart of the world's economy, had numerous heaps of wealth and lands under this name! The man who had been single handedly trading with other countries and ensuring the white money circulation in the veins of motherlands, who would kill him and get bankrupt. "Why would I not come, Mr. K?"Ronan responded to him with same energetic smile, of course the Australian mafia king was not his enemy (Well, not until his grandson's sexual assault upon his wife comes into the knowledge).