Enemy Women Talk

"Should I help my honey?"

Ronan pretended to be thinking playfully by placing his curled hand beneath the chin and tucking the elbow on the other crossed arm.

"Haha, no. I can walk on my own."

Renna slapped his shoulder and blushed after recalling how shapeless the man behaved on the airport.

The mafia king flung his arm for the lady and winked.


Renna slipped her arm into his like a couple both were standing in front of the iron gate. 

"Ready to conquer, uh?"

Ronan moved his head towards her and tried to inquire about her determination. 

Renna Amaryllis nodded in agreement and heaved a sharp sigh. Where everyone was moving along and acting as the results of created stimulus, everyone's strings were in Renna's mother's hands_except for Ava Ross.