Relationship Blunder 3

●Italy || Milan●

'What is she doing now?'

Kyril Ross was wandering aimlessly throughout the villa, walking around on the second floor he could clearly see the door of Alessandro' office on the first floor. 

His eyes were darted on the closed door which was driving him crazy and the phantom boss was staring at it continuously since the fight. Kyril Ross was again wearing that weird mask and clad into his nightgown, it was the first time he did not care about his appearance. 

And definitely not about his reputation as he kept his eyes glued to the door which was right in front of his eyes, standing in the lobby a few steps away from the staircase his anxious orbs were growing darker. Kyril placed his hands on the railing which unnaturally felt cold to him and leaned over it with a helpless sigh.

'Why isn't she coming out?'