Lovey Dovey Scene || Puking

"I'm ready, Ronan."

Julia chipped as she strode out of the room while speaking as she sngaged the attention of the mafia lord whi averted his head just to see the women wearing a jeans with brown shirt.

'Gosh, she chose taht dressing just to wind uo this session if chnaging as soon as possible.'

Ronan wanted to roll his eyes over her wise decision but refrain himself because he did not wnat to arouse any suspicion.

'Is she that eager to spend time with me?'

He could not help but to think of it that way because of course Julia's quick dress up and the visible Express of happiness on her face, made Ronan sure that the foolish woman had been walking on the footsteps of Corinne.

'Nevermind she is just running after a mirage by assuming that she can have me'

The man had his eyes fixted on the woman in front of him while Niall stayed back standing in the middle of the corridor.