Hawaii Plan

So, now you want to meet Damien and I suppose you are going to take Ava with you too, right?"

Amaris responded to his words with a nod while Sandro stared at the man in front of her who had been showing interest and had gotten infuriated upon the carelessness for a child.

"And I'm sure Ronan is not aware of his existence, right?"

He questioned once again suspecting that his hunch was absolutely correct since by calculating the time of Renna's death and Damien's birth there was not even a slim chance that Ronan Ross would know that he has a son.

"Yes he does not know."

Renna responded to him immediately knowing that a sharp man like him could already find the whole scenario and situation in no time.

"Are you planning to tell him any soon?"

Kyril was infuriated but soon calmed himself knowing that apparently there was nothing he could do since it should be Renna Amaryllis to tell him the truth not a third person.