
(Chapters will be replaced in February)



( ED' POV )



I was busy with my work with head buried in my laptop when I heard someone knocking at the door.

"Who's banging this early ?"

Half yelling and inquiring my voice left the throat.

"Ed you've 15 minutes to come out."

That was the order by my boss...I heard.

"Oh-okey okey."

I blurted out in nervousness. As I gathered my scattered pages & shut my laptop down. Hurriedly I rattled all my things in a bag and shoved it under my bed. I couldn't afford to get caught.

"I'm coming."

I raked my fingers through hair and made them unkempt to show that I woke up a few minutes earlier.

Opened the door and saw Camilla standing a few inches away stunning as ever not to forget with a stone face.

"Why are you standing this close I was almost going to bump into you."