(skip to last chapter)

We stepped on the ground of USA-The bustling city NY. Kang knew English very well and to my surprise he was fluent with a good accent.

"Do you visit often ? Your accent is very good."

I couldn't control myself from not asking.

"Well you can say that. I visit often for business meetings but it's the first time I came along with someone for a vacation."

I blushed unknowingly upon his lovey-dovey lines and dreamy eyes.

We hopped in the limousine which we kept awaiting at the parking lot. And it dusted carefully on the roads towards our destination- DIEGO MANSION.

It was about thirty minutes journey to the most beautiful area. Of course the thing of riches.....It was adorned with various flowers on the outside of every mansion. Each one big and glamourous.

Our vehicle halted in front of a white mansion. Elegant shade to stand out and to attract. No doubt why Kang assured that it will be fun and exciting.

"Hows it ? Beautiful huh ?"