Before Her Day Come

Golden Flower Apartment, Imperial City

A woman was standing in front of the door of a penthouse. She hold the door handle but hesitated a bit because her beloved aunt would fire endless questions to her because she had not returned for two days.

She was about to open the door when a middle age woman opened the door from the other side. Her taut expression finally looked relieved once she saw the younger woman in front of her. She took and dragged the younger woman to the living room. "Hey Kiara, where have you been?" asked the woman worriedly. Kiara in her mind never made her worry this much but her sudden dissapereance two days ago thrown her into disarray because Kiara had never done this before. Kiara always asked for her permission whenever she went out for more than a day. For two days, she couldn't sleep and eat at ease because she was afraid that Kiara was caught in plight. Fortunately, after seeing her appearance that was still well and intact, she let go her worries.

The woman called Kiara didn't answer immediately. She took a notebook and pen, then she wrote some words. "Cliff Aunty Ling."

"That cliff?" asked Aunty Ling. She knew which cliff that Kiara mentioned because she ocassionally went there once every year. It was the cliff where she and Kiara's mother became a sworn sister and at the same time, it was the place where she commemorated Kiara's mother death anniversary.

The distance between the cliff that Kiara went to actually was not far from the Imperial City. It would, at most, only required three and a half hour to go there in case some traffic jam happened. But what made Kiara spend two days? Did she only go to that cliff? What did she do in this two whole days? Aunty Ling had many questions in her mind but she didn't ask.

Kiara nodded. She headed to her bedroom.

Aunty Ling didn't probe any further beause she knew Kiara would tell her if she wanted to, but if not, even if she was threaten by anything, she would never opened her mind to other. But she believed Kiara didn't caught in plight or anything dangerous. It was because she trusted Kiara. Kiara had been living with her family since she was eight years old. She was so sensible, even more sensible than her own children. She had never been willful or protested about everything she had. Seeing how Kiara was so mature despite her age, Aunty Ling could not help but subconsciously bias to Kiara over her children. Fortunately, whenever she was obvious petting to Kiara, her husband would always reminded her. It made her relieved and feel blessed. Her husband was so supportive to her decision to take care Kiara.

Aunty Ling looked at Kiara's back that seemed so lonely and desolate. She sighed helplessly. 'Just wait and let Kiara tell herself later' she thought inwardly.

Kiara was sitting on her desk in the bedroom. She took a notebook from the shelf and wrote 'My Journey' on the center of notebook's cover.

She started to write something on the first page of the notebook. She did not write in plack ink pen. Instead, she wrote it with glittery ink pen that students like to use on special or meaningful writing. First, she took bright red color pen and wrote 'My Wishes' on the center top of the page. The first wish she wrote was 'to speak to others' with yellow colored pen. After that, she wrote some other wishes, each was written in different colors until the very bottom of the page.

Kiara finally laid on her bed. It had been two days since she didn't sleep on it. She looked at her surrounding and for sure, everything was neatly arranged and cleaned to perfection. As usual, Aunty Ling had never failed to impress her. She was so attentive that it made Kiara feel as if she had the second mother.

As the clock ticked by, Kiara finally succumbed to her drowsiness and slept. The last two days was like a rollercoaster that it made her mentally tired. The report doomed her. She knew what would the content of the report she received two days ago as she still vividly remembered the result of another report from two years ago but still, when she read the report two days ago, her dormant worries and fears exploded uncontrollably under her calm facade.

Yes, she knew what the result would be since the beginning, but she could not give up because there were too many things she wanted to achieve. The last two years after she received the result, she fight valiantly that it exhausted her both mentally and physically. Almost every week she went to the hospital for a follow up and treatment. She knew her fight would only delay, not to completely eradicated the cancer she suffered so she did everything she could. She work like crazy. She doubled her efforts in every works because she didn't want to remember the ending she would get. Her days were numbered. that she already knew because if it kept bugging her, it would torment her mental and physic and ultimately made her plunge into depression.

In that two years, she worked as if there was no tomorrow while it was actually right for her to think that way.

Only by acting that way she thought she could forget everything. Her effort actually brought the desired effect. In that period of time, she rarely thought about the result. But two days ago, the result evoked everything that she had tried desperately to bury.

After she went to the cliff, her complicated emotions finally calm down. But when she saw Aunty Ling earlier, her emotions suddenly surged uncontrollably. Fortunately she could control it in the nick of time. She was afraid of telling Aunty Ling her own predicament because knowing Aunty Ling's personality, she would do everything she could to help her. She owed Aunty Ling too much and her news would definitely make her sad. She didn't want to distress her. Because of that, Kiara just hoped she could delayed telling Aunty Ling as longer as possible, probably until some days before her day come although Kiara herself knew it would be impossible to delay it until that day.