Everything Would Go Well

The sun had already above everyone's head. Its heat scorched with glaring light that fell to the surface.

Kiara was still fell asleep. Last night, she was late to go to bed because she was busy typing some additional chapters of her novel to compensate her readers as she didn't update her novel for the last three days.

It was already one day after she made her wishlist. She determined to make everything happened but she didn't know when and where to start it.

"Kiara...Kiara..." Aunty Ling knocked her bedroom's door while continuously called Kiara. She was afraid about Kiara's well being ever since her return from the cliff one day ago. Kiara was like usual, an obedient and sensible girl but she couldn't help but worry because she felt Kiara was getting more introverted. She knocked on the door and called Kiara for a couple of time before she backed off and returned to the living room where everyone in her family was having lunch.

She sat on the chair beside her husband as she looked everyone in the dining table. There were three people sat across her seat. They were all her children - one daughter and two brothers. They grew up with Kiara and became her siblings since her arrival to their house.

One of the brothers, Liang Qingyu asked "Mom, how is it?"

Aunty Ling replied, "I can't wake her up. Just save some foods for her to eat later."

Everyone nodded. Each one of them took Kiara's share from each dish and put it aside before they eat their lunch.

It was almost six in the evening. Kiara was still not coming out of her room. Everyone in the house turned frenzy. What happened to their Kiara? Why didn't she go out?

Liang Mingzhu, the youngest daughter who was the same age with Kiara shouted loudly in front of Kiara's bedroom. "K-I-A-R-AAAAA... wake up you asshole."

There was no sound from the room.

Then, Liang Qiqiang the oldest of the siblings and Liang Bolin, their father took turns to knock the door. But still, Kiara didn't answer.

They looked at each other in bewilderment. Why didn't Kiara open the door? Had something happened to her?

Liang Qingyu decided to open the door. "Mom, do you have a spare key for this room?"

Aunty Ling pondered as she shook her head. "Initially, i have one but i lost it."

Liang Qiqiang urged, "Then just forced it." He moved several steps behind and forcefully bumped his well built body several times. Probably because the door was too sturdy, it took some time before the door could be broke.

They went into Kiara's room all together. They wanted to berate her for not answering their calls when they plunged into panic. They saw Kiara sweated profusely. The sweat oozed drenched her head and body. Kiara's kept frowning as she spoke inarticulately. They saw sheen of moisture gathered in the corner of her eyes. Sometimes, she would waved her hands as if she was trying to prevent something from happening. It seemed that she was in pain while dreamed a nightmare.

Aunty Ling walked over at her fastest speed and put her hand to Kiara's forehead. She said dreadfullly. "Her body is so hot. Let's go to the hospital. Qingyu, drive us with your fastest car. Xiao Zhu, prepare some clothes for change. Qiqiang, contact your friend doctor and husband, accompany me to the hospital." After she assigned all the tasks to everyone, Aunty Ling directly took her bag and went to the basement where their cars were parked. Kiara was being held by Liang Qingyu as he followed his mother.



Aunty Ling, her husband and their children were waiting outside the examination room anxiously. She sat on the bench as she clasped her hands together, hoping that everything would be alright. Liang Qiqiang, as the oldest son tried to consoled his mother. "Mom, Kiara will be okay. Just wait for the examination result."

Early, Qiqiang told one of his colleagues in the hospital that one of his family members would be hospitalized. He asked his friend's help to prepare everything because he realized Kiara's condition was worse than what he initially thought. When they were still at home, he thought she only had fever but after he carefully examined her, he felt her fever was worse. Even he knew about it, he couldn't bluntly tell his parents, especially his mother. She always thought Kiara as her other child. So, he could only subtly said to them that Kiara's fever was slightly higher than usual.

Even so, his parents were all sharp. When their son said 'slightly higher', they immediately concluded Kiara's fever was worse. Because of it, once they arrived at the hospital, they directly sent her to the emergency room before they conduct throughout check to her body. They were afraid that something bad happened to Kiara.

After some moments, a doctor got out of the room. He was the one who Liang Qiqiang called earlier. He looked at him, beckoning Liang Qiqiang to follow him. Liang Qiqiang looked at his family. Then, Aunty Ling said, "Just go."

He nodded and went together with his friend to his office room.

After he seated on the sofa in his friend's office room, Liang Qiqiang asked anxiously, "What's the result Jingnan?"

The doctor who was called by Liang Qiqiang was the son of the hospital's director Han Yu, Han Jingnan.

Han Jingnan stared at him. He sighed and replied, 'Bad. It's pancreatic cancer stage three."

Liang Qiqiang eyes were wide opened and gasped as he looked at Han Jingnan in disbelief. His voice slightly trembled. "Really?"

Han Jingnan confimed as he nodded. "Yes. Without doubt."

Liang Qiqiang slumped back to the sofa. He leaned against it and closed his eyes that was full of sadness. After some seconds, he opened his eyes. The clarity had returned to his eyes. "I'll tell my family."

He walked out of the room in complicated mood. Pancreatic cancer stage three? How should i tell mom and everyone about it?

Liang Qiqiang went to the room where Kiara was admitted. He walked slowly than usual because he absolutely didn't know how to tell his family. They must have already waited for him there to hear the result of the examination.

Han Jingnan looked at his friend's back. It was indeed too devastating to suddenly hear one of your dear family members diagnosed with malignant disease. He could only support his friend mentally and hope that everything would go well.