He Had A Repressed Longing For Love And Family.

"This would be easier and more believable if we at least knew some basic details about each other's lives," Tan suggested as soon as they stopped at the car park of a roadside cafe.

"Hmmm, I guess that makes sense in a way. No personal details, though," Nana responded, eyeing him suspiciously as he came around to open her door.

"Don't worry; I'm more open-minded than you are. I'll start, and then you can tell me a little about yourself when I'm done," Tan said as he pulled out a seat for her.

"Thanks," She mumbled, a bit taken aback by his thoughtfulness. He waited for her to sit down before taking his seat.

They signalled for the waiter and placed their orders.

"So, apart from being tall, rich and handsome, what else do I need to know about you?" Nana asked.

"Ah, so you noticed I'm handsome. I had no idea," He said, with twitched lips as the humour danced in his eyes.

"The whole world knows you're handsome. So get over it. What do you like? What do you do for fun?" She asked, eyeing him curiously.

"I love life; I love nature. I love watching the sunrise every morning, and I love watching it set. It's always so beautiful and peaceful. It leaves me in awe every time." Tan answered.

Nana looked at him shaking her head. Of course, he's wealthy; only the rich can afford to waste time admiring the sun.

"I love walking barefooted at the beach. I love the feel of sand between my toes. I love seeing the water rise and fall; I love watching couples huddled together, playing and laughing happily with children running around," He paused to glance at her.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't have to bore you with such details," He said apologetically. Something about her made him want to spill his guts to her.

"It's fine. You seemed really passionate about it." She'd also noticed he had a repressed longing for love and family.

"What was your childhood like? What are your fondest memories? Any childhood fears?" She asked.

"It wasn't normal. My parents were always away on business trips; I had no siblings. The only person I had with me then was Mi-Ok, my maid. And that's why she is still the only person in my house to date."

Little wonder she was behaving like a mother hawk during breakfast, Nana said to herself. And now she could understand the reason for the repressed longing for the love she'd heard in his words.

"As for fears, I have none. I've always faced whatever scared me head-on," He said, hitting his hands against his chest like King Kong to make her laugh.

He loved the sound of her laughter and the ease at which she made him talk.

"No friends?" She asked, surprised he hadn't mentioned one.

Before he could answer, his phone rang out. "Talk about the devil," Tan said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Wassup, bro?" He called out, smiling pleasantly.

"What's your plan for the wedding? Were you able to get a girl?" His friend asked from the other end of the phone.

He quickly excused himself and moved away from Nana, "Yes, I'm with her right now. She's damn gorgeous too."

"What am I hearing in your voice, bro? Are you attracted to her? Unbelievable!" His friend asked amidst laughter.

"I'm surprised myself. She's a feisty one, I tell you," He said, glancing at her.

"Don't go falling in love with your hired girlfriend. If you need a woman to lay, you know where to find them. I still don't understand why you turned down so many beautiful ladies."

"You know I'm not a playboy. I've never been one. And you better change your ways." Tan said.

"Quit being a nag already. When are you leaving Incheon? I need to introduce you to someone here," His friend replied.

"I'll be in Seoul after the wedding. When I come around, I'll let you know."

"Alright, bro. See you soon." Ji-Tae said, hanging up.

"Sorry I kept you waiting; my best friend just called to check on me. Enough about me, I want to know you. Who is Min-Jung?" He asked, wiggling his brows at her playfully.


"What was her name?" Mrs Kim asked Yong after listening to all the rumourmonger had to say.

"Oh, he never called her by her name. So I didn't get it," Yong said, disappointed in herself for not asking such an important question.

Mrs Kim still found it rather difficult to believe the Tan she gave birth to would bring a lady over. Tan had been single for over two years, and she had made sure his assistant and Mi-Ok, his maid, had reported every aspect of his private life to her.

Could they have played her, and he'd been in a relationship the whole time? No. That wasn't possible.

"He's taking her with him to the wedding," Yong added, wanting to remain relevant in the discussion.

"Of course he is," Mrs Kim said, standing up. "Thanks for the information Yong; see you next time," She said as she took her bag to leave.


Mi-Ok opened the door to let in a laughing Tan and Nana.

"Your mother is waiting for you," Mi-Ok said, wiping the smile off their faces.

"Where is she?" He asked, straightening his shoulders.

"In the living room. She said you should both join her immediately after you return."

Tan glanced at his wristwatch; it was 7 pm, which meant one thing. His mother intended to pass the night.

Nana didn't know what to do. She hadn't planned on meeting his mother so soon, and they were yet to get a good story.

"Don't worry, I'll handle this," He said, placing his hands around her shoulders and leading her into the living room.

"Mother! what a pleasant surprise!" He exclaimed, leaving Nana to peck his mother lightly on her smooth cheeks.

"I wonder why you're so surprised since I told you I'd be stopping over earlier," She said, with her gaze on Nana.

"Meet my girlfriend, Min-Jung. Darling, meet my first lady," Tan said in a manner of introduction.

She looked Nana over; the girl was a pretty sight. She still needed a little polishing, though. From her posture, she could tell the girl wasn't from a wealthy background. The girl's shoulders were slightly hunched.

She smiled to put Nana at ease, "How're you, my darling? I hope he has been nice to you."

"Yes, ma," Nana said, bowing lightly.

"I'm sure you must be tired. You can go in to catch some rest. I need to go over some business details with my Tan."

"Thanks, ma'am. It was nice meeting you," Nana said, grateful for the escape; she glanced at Tan, who gave her approval before she left.

"I'm no fool, you know? are you doing this just because of the wedding?" Mrs Kim asked, eyeing Tan suspiciously.