Congratulation On Your Wedding.

Min-jun walked over to where Mi Cha was sitting, "Hello?" He said, walking over to her and holding the placard behind him. He had to be sure she was the one. He didn't want to make a fool of himself.

Mi Cha angled her head to look at the guy standing in front of her. He was probably a fan who knew her from California.

"Are you Miss Kim Mi Cha?" He asked, looking at her with evident curiosity as he silently prayed she wasn't the one.

"Who's asking?" She asked, taking off her sunglasses and giving him a piercing look that made him squirm under her scrutiny.

He just stood there transfixed by her gaze. He couldn't seem to take his eyes off her. It always made her smile, knowing she had such an effect on men. It was a sort of ego boost for her.

He probably just wanted an autograph; she would be nice and give it to him and be on her way since her mother wasn't taking her calls from either of her numbers, and there was no text from her mom on either of the phones to offer an explanation as to why no welcome party was waiting for her at the airport. Maybe she had gone to the wedding without waiting for her. Mi Cha concluded.

She brought a piece of paper from her handbag, scribbled her autograph, and handed it over to him. "It was nice meeting you, Mister," She said as she walked out of the airport.

It took him a second to glance down at the paper she had handed him. He saw the autograph and realised the name written on it was Kim Mi Cha. He dipped it into his pocket and ran after her with the placard.

"Miss Kim," He called out, silently calling himself all sorts of names as he chased her.

He must be an obsessed fan or a stalker. How had he known she would be at the airport? She said to herself as she increased her pace without looking back. The last thing she needed was a stalker. They were the worst and would go to the most extreme lengths.

She ran outside the airport as he increased his pace calling after her. She ran into the first taxi she saw and immediately got inside.

Min-jun stood outside, staring at the Taxi as it drove off. Mrs Kim would be furious at him if she found out Mi Cha had gone home in a taxi. He quickly entered the car and drove after her.

The taxi dropped her off just outside the house. Just as she was paying the driver, Min-jun arrived, "Your mother sent me to pick you up," he called out before she could get into the taxi again.

She paused and looked at him with narrowed eyes, and then he brought out the placard from the car as evidence, waving it at her. She took a deep breath of relief as she paid the driver.

"Why didn't you say so from the start? Was the whole drama necessary?" She asked with an annoyed frown.

"I'm sorry" Was all he could mutter. How was he to explain he had been too busy checking her out to have done his duties?

"My mother is at the wedding, I suppose?" She asked as he opened the door, allowing her to enter the house.

"Yes. She picked out a gown for you already and instructed me to bring you over immediately after you've freshened up," He said, following closely behind her waiting to receive instructions from her as he did with her mother.

"I don't need a shadow," She said, turning to look at him. "Don't you have anything better to do other than following me around?"

"I'm sorry. Please let me know when you're ready to leave," He said, stepping away from her.


Mrs Kim kept glancing at the door every few seconds, waiting to see either of her children. Her face broke into a beautiful smile when she caught a glimpse of Tan walking in. Her smile broadened when she noticed Nana dressed in a green low-cut, high-split, velvet gown that swept down in princess ruffles gathering slightly beneath her ankles as it swept the floor. She left her neck bare but wore a diamond earring that matched the bracelet on her wrist. She wore high-heeled ankle strap glitter sandals with a glittering black purse to match.

Mrs Kim gave a satisfied smile of approval as the pair approached her. Tan had outdone himself on this one, and she was very proud of him.

Immediately they entered the wedding hall, a hush fell over the place for less than a minute, and then the quiet conversation started again.

They needed no one to tell them all eyes were on them. Most of the guests had witnessed his humiliation a few years ago, so he guessed they were speculating about his relationship with the lady beside him.

Nana knew it was time for her to act like the devoted girlfriend Tan needed at the moment; She could tell he was tense, so she paused halfway down the hall and whispered into his ears, "Loosen up. You'll be fine," Making him smile lovingly at her.

He stopped here and there to greet and introduce her to people she didn't care to know their names as they made their way to join his mother at her table.

"Tan," Ji Won called gently as she and her husband approached them. Tan stiffened, making Nana turn to see who had called.

Oh! the infamous ex-girlfriend, Nana said to herself, as she watched the beautiful bride arm in arm with her groom approach them.

There was a hushed silence as people around turned to see what was going on. Nana involuntarily slipped her arms into Tan's, making him relax.

"Congratulations on your wedding," Nana said with a set smile, giving Tan time to compose himself.

"Thanks for coming," Ji Won said, ignoring Nana as she talked to Tan.

"I'm sorry I hurt you. You've refused to see us nor take our calls; hence we decided to talk to you right here," She said, reaching for his hand but stopping halfway when she saw the cold, angry look on Nana's face. She dropped her hands to her sides.

"We are sorry, bro. Thanks for coming," His cousin said, unsure of what to say.

"It's fine. Congratulations to you both. If you don't mind, I'll love to be excused," He said, taking Nana's arms as he left them.

"Thanks. Now I'm sure I made the right decision in hiring a girlfriend; I would never have survived today otherwise," He said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.