
Mi Cha called Mr. Lee, and soon they were on their way out. She called Nana to inform Nana that her elder brother would come over to check the houses later in the day. And they agreed to meet after she was done.

Tan called Min-Jung's boss to cancel the meeting, telling him he would resolve things with Min-Jung and thanked him for his help.

Tan spent time working on his laptop as he awaited Min-Jung's call.


The driver soon picked up Min-jung and carried her to the family house. Min-Jung was awed by the grandeur of the mansion. She could already imagine being the lady of the estate.

The driver stepped down to open her door, and he was pleased that she was gradually getting to the much-desired position, which meant he would be well taken care of. His loyalty was in the right place as far as he was concerned.

She entered the house and couldn't close her mouth. The beauty and decor were like something out of a fairytale novel. She couldn't believe she had gotten this far in her dreams of marrying into a wealthy family.

"I love that look on your face. That was the look I was going for when I had the house redecorated," Ji-Tae's mother said in form of a greeting as she descended the stairs.

Min-Jung looked up and didn't know what to say or do. She just bowed her head as she waited.

"It's a pleasure meeting you, my dear, and I hope you haven't eaten yet. I had the maid prepare something for us," She said, smiling sweetly.

If Ji-Tae had expected her to be cold or mean, he was in for the shock of his life. She intended to find out what he was up to.

"Come and sit with me, my darling. Tell me all about yourself. I like you already," She said, calming Min-Jung in the process.


Jin-A dialed Ji-Tae's number, and after several rings, he picked up. "Hello, darling!" She greeted with excitement.

"What is it this time?" Ji-Tae asked, ignoring her greeting.

"My car broke down. I was wondering if your driver could pick me up. I need to run some errands quickly," She said in what passed for a sad voice.

"We both know if you wanted another car or a driver, you could easily get one, so why bother me?" He asked, feeling irritated.

"Because you are my fiance and because I'm in a hurry. Please send your driver over right away, and I need him for just an hour," She said in her usual controlling voice.

"He took my girlfriend over to the family house a while ago, so I guess he is still waiting for her," Ji-Tae said, emphasizing the 'girlfriend.'

"Exactly why he should come over and help me out before they finish," She said, dismissing his excuse.

"You could just send your driver to my place to pick up another car," He suggested.

"Time... time is something I don't have right now. Send him over to my place immediately. We will be fast," She said with forced patience, dropping the call before he could come up with another excuse.

Ji-Tae looked at his phone angrily, and he hated her damn guts. He called his driver and gave him directions to her house.


Tan picked up the phone when it rang without checking the caller's identity because he hoped it was Min-Jung. He was more than a little disappointed to hear Mi Cha's voice.

"I'm done with my meeting," She announced.

"I guess you're calling about the house-hunting business?" He asked disinterestedly.

"I guess she hasn't called you yet... Never mind, you need to leave the house anyway. Should I come over to the house so we both could go together in your car, or should I send you the address so you meet us up at the first house?" Mi Cha asked.

"No need to come over to the house. Just text me the address, and I'll meet up with you girls over there," He said, getting up to prepare.

"Since I'm not very familiar with the names of the neighborhood, I'll have Lee Nana text you the address," Mi Cha said before hanging up the call.


Mr. Lee stopped in front of Nana's office to pick her up as they drove over to check out the houses again.

"Please, do you mind texting my brother the address to the first house we will be stopping by? He will be meeting up with us there," She said, typing in the number on Nana's phone.

"That's fine," Nana said as she sent him the text. "So, how was your night? I guess you lodged in one of those big hotels with your brother?" She asked, looking at Mi Cha curiously.

"No, I didn't. We spent the night at a friend's house," She said, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the topic.

"Oh, really? I guess it was your brother's friend, huh? I'm sure you wouldn't have a friend in Seoul and want your place," Nana said with a smile, thinking of Min-Jung.

"Oh, sorry! I need to call my best friend," She said with an apologetic smile as she dialed Min-jung's number. When Min-Jung didn't take the call, she just called Ji-Tae.

She had been avoiding Ji-Tae for some time, which wasn't helping matters. It would be best to break the relationship since she wasn't feeling it anymore.

Ji-Tae picked up the call after the second ring. "Hello, my world!" He greeted her happily, making her feel a tug of guilt.

"Uhm, Will you be busy tonight? I need to see you," She said quietly.

Ji-Tae frowned. What did she want to talk about? He hoped she was okay and Min-Jung hadn't done or said anything stupid.

His head ached slightly. He did not need noise.

"Is everything okay? Is it urgent? I have plans for tonight; what about tomorrow?" He asked.

She wasn't in a hurry to do what she had to do. It wouldn't hurt to wait a day to tell him she was done, right? "No problem at all. Everything is pretty fine. I'll wait till tomorrow. Take care," She said, dropping the call.

Nana felt a rush of guilt as she placed the phone back into her purse.

Mi Cha watched her from the corner of her eyes; what was the call about? "Boyfriend problem?" She asked, momentarily forgetting Mr. Lee was Nana's father.

Nana glanced at her and saw her father watching her through the rearview mirror. "Nah, nothing that can't be handled," She said, giving her dad a small smile.

"What does it feel like to have a best friend?" Mi Cha asked, changing the subject.

"What? You never had one?" Nana asked in surprise.

"Nope. Maybe my mom is my best friend. Do moms count?" Mi Cha responded.

"I'm not so sure about that," Nana said as a feeling of sadness enveloped her; Mr. Lee could tell he needed to change the topic.

"Min-jung has been Nana's friend for such a long time. People used to think they were twins when they were younger," Mr. Lee said, making Nana chuckle at the memory.

Mi Cha wasn't chuckling; her brow creased in confusion. How much of a coincidence was all of this? Tan's hired girlfriend's name was Min-Jung, and she claimed to be a realtor, but in reality, Ji-Tae's girlfriend was Min-Jung, and she was the one who worked at the hire-a-girlfriend agency. Was it possible Lee Nana and Ji-Tae's Min-Jung were best friends?

She shook off the thought... She had to be crazy to be imagining such things.