Perfect Coincidence.

Tan swallowed nervously, he took a step back and then another, and before he knew it, he was in his car, driving away quickly.

He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that the one lady he was madly in love with was the same person his best friend was about to dump.

Ji-Tae literally had a diamond in his hands and did not know the value. It made him feel sorry for Ji-Tae, but his feelings of pity were soon replaced with questions.

Why had Min-Jung said she was a stranger when she was Ji-Tae's girlfriend? Had Min-Jung been aware of the relationship between Ji-Tae and Lee Nana and decided to push out her competitor?

Was it possible the whole thing had been a coincidence? No, it was too organized to be a coincidence... unless this was some perfect coincidence.

So she hadn't been lying to him... She had lied about her name, no doubt, as any reasonable person would have done, but she had indeed been a realtor. Under different circumstances, he would have been over the moon that she wasn't what he had thought she was, but this wasn't good either, right? She was his best friend's fucking girlfriend, soon-to-be ex, though. He reminded himself calmly.

Was that why she had been so determined to resist and stay away from him? Because she had a boyfriend? Had she known he was Ji-tae's best friend? No way. She couldn't possibly have known and done all that she had done with him.

Was it possible Ji-Tae was in on all of this? Maybe not, since Min-Jung had said Ji-Tae didn't know about her job. But then again, that lady was a liar, and he shouldn't believe any word that fell out of her mouth.

The sharp blare of a horn behind him brought him back to his senses. He couldn't be driving in this state. He had to sit down somewhere and think before going over to their hangout spot.


"Why are you frowning? Is there something you don't like" Nana asked Mi Cha with a frown as she looked around the rooftop.

Mi Cha could have sworn the car she had glimpsed driving away was Tan's. Was something wrong? Had he received an emergency call or something? He could have at least called to tell her, right?

"Nah, not a problem. I was just wondering why my brother was running late. Maybe he missed his way," She said, reaching into her bag to pick up her phone.

"He couldn't have lost his way, and the address was simple and direct. Maybe something else is holding him up," Nana suggested with a smile. She was getting tired of waiting for this brother, but there was little or nothing she could do about it. She needed them to make a financial commitment before the end of the day so she could at least get a house off the market.

"Maybe I should call him and find out what's keeping him. Please excuse me," She said and walked away when Nana nodded.

She dialed his number, and after the first two rings, he picked up the call to her utmost relief. "You scared me. What's wrong? Wasn't that your car, I glimpsed, driving away from the building?"

"You saw me? Did your realtor see me too?" He asked, ignoring her question.

"I'm not sure she did. And if she had, she wouldn't have known it was you since she doesn't know you, right? And yes, I saw you. So what's all this about," She asked impatiently.

Tan tapped on his steering wheel, considering whether or not to tell her the truth. He didn't want to share this information with her until he knew exactly what to do.

He had come to Seoul to find her, and he had. Now he even had her phone number, knew her real name, and job. Mi Cha had said her father was the cab driver carrying her around, right? That meant he knew about that too. He looked at his rearview mirror and was surprised to see the broad smile on his face.

"I'm still waiting for you," Mi Cha said with a note of impatience.

"You haven't mentioned my name to her, have you?" He asked, still not ready to answer her question.

"No, I haven't, but I can if you want..." Mi Cha said.

"No, you can't. You can't tell her anything about me." He interrupted before she could finish.

Mi Cha narrowed her eyes; what was this? Was it possible her suspicion had been true? Was this Tan's hired girlfriend?

"You have to tell me what's up, or I'll go out there and tell her exactly who my darling elder brother is and what he is doing in Seoul," She threatened.

"You know what? Tell her something came up, and I can't show up today. But I like the house, though. I'll return to the neighborhood to ask about the security details. I'll tell you what's up later," He said.

"Should I ask her to leave the key with me and go? You can come back, and we will do everything today. I'm already tired of wasting her time," Mi Cha complained.

"Hmm, let me know when she leaves then," Tan said and dropped the call.

He wasn't going to be the first to woo his best friend's ex-girlfriend, after all. He was going to wait for Ji-Tae to break up with her before making his move. Until then, he had to start planning on how to frustrate her.


She had probably been mistaken, Nana said to herself when Mi Cha left. She let out the breath she had been holding when she saw the guy standing by his car.

For a second, she had thought it was Tan and had almost thought he was Mi Cha's elder brother, but she guessed it wasn't Tan. Maybe the young man had missed his way and had realized he was at the wrong address.

Of course, that couldn't have been Tan. What would he be doing in Seoul? He wasn't so close to his sister anyway. She couldn't believe she had been thinking about him so much that she was now even mistaking other people for him.

"Sorry for wasting your time, something came up, and my brother will be running late; I think I'll take this house, leave the key with me and be on your way. I'll sign whatever document you need me to sign," Mi Cha said, giving her a beautiful yet apologetic smile.

"Oh, I see. You're sure you don't need me around to answer a few questions?" Nana asked calmly.

"That won't be necessary; I doubt there's a question he's going to ask that I haven't asked you already. Besides, you need to get back to work before closing hours," Mi Cha said.

"You know what? No need to sign any document right now. I don't want you to change your mind after signing the documents, so do what you must do. I'll stop by on my way back from work," She said as she walked out of the house.


Jin-A sat with a satisfied smile plastered on her face. So Ji-Tae was dating two best friends? From what the driver had said, Ji-Tae seemed to like the other one more, so why had he presented the one he least wanted to his mother?

She chuckled to herself. This was fun.

Maybe he was using this one as a sacrifice to protect the other. Awwww, that was so sweet of him. At least now she knew his soft spot. All she had to do was find out more about Lee Nana, and then she could threaten Ji-Tae to do anything she wanted.

The driver had even been kind enough to give her Lee Nana's house address; he was more than worth the money she had paid him.