"I Have My Sources..."

Tan and Ji-Tae were still asleep on the floor when the doorbell rang, They both stirred in their sleep, but neither of them could find the strength to open their eyes for fear of light blinding them. There was also the headache that threatened to split their heads into two.

Mi Cha checked the time on her phone. It was barely 7 am. Who could it be? Was it possible Min-Jung was visiting so early in the morning? She checked the digital door viewer to see who it was.

What was Jin-A doing here so early in the morning? Was she aware that Tan was in town? She wondered as she quickly went to wake Tan and Ji-Tae.

"If you both don't stand up now, I'm going straight to the door to let Jin-A in," She threatened.

Immediately they heard Jin-A's name, their eyes flew open, "Jin-A?" Tan asked, holding his head as the head-splitting pain shot through ahead because of the speed with which he sat up.

"Jin-A? What is she doing here? What's the time?" Ji-Tae asked in confusion.

"Yes, Jin-A. The time is almost 7 am. I'll go and open the door to find out what she's doing here," Mi Cha said, moving closer to the door.

"Don't, don't let her in. I don't want her to know I'm here," Tan said, disregarding his headache as he hurried towards the staircase.

Jin-A placed her index finger on the doorbell, not caring who was disturbed by it as it kept ringing loudly.

Ji-Tae and Tan dashed upstairs to hide, leaving Mi Cha to face her alone. They did not have the emotional bandwidth to deal with her.

"Do you know it's insulting to visit a person's house unannounced and then keep ringing the doorbell, disturbing the peace of everyone?" Mi Cha asked immediately after she opened the door to face Jin-A. The guys could hide for all she cared, and she wasn't going to allow this arrogant bitch to keep acting like she was a queen and everyone else had to serve her.

Jin-A looked at Mi Cha with narrowed eyes. Of course, she had expected to meet her in the house, but she hadn't expected her to be so rude and unwelcoming.

"It isn't rude to pay my fiance a surprise good morning visit, is it?" She asked, brushing past Mi Cha to enter the house.

"Fiance? Who is your fiance?" Mi Cha asked, frowning her face in confusion. Was she delusional enough to believe Tan was her fiance? Mi Cha wondered.

"I can see you're unaware of my relationship with Ji-Tae," Jin-A said with a sly smile as she looked around the living room.

"Where are my men?" She asked, slightly raising her brows.

"What men? Didn't you say you're in a relationship with Ji-Tae?" Mi Cha asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously.

Jin-A looked at Mi Cha with narrowed eyes. She didn't want to get into a fight with this one. She wanted them to be friends. She wasn't so high and mighty to not know someone on the same level as her.

"You must be Tan's sister, Mi Cha. Hello! I'm Jin-A daughter of-" She started

"I know who you are, and you don't need to introduce yourself. So what do you want?" Mi Cha asked, rudely interrupting her.

Jin-A glanced towards the stairs, "I want to see them both, Tan and Ji-Tae," She said, pointing to them.

"How did you know Tan was in Seoul?" Mi Cha asked, giving her a pointed look.

"I have my sources, darling," She said with a wink as she made her way towards the stairs. Mi Cha quickly moved in front of her and blocked her path.

"I'm sorry, but you can't see them," She said, not wanting them to be disturbed.

"And you're their secretary or bodyguard? For an adopted child, you are bold," Jin-A spat angrily.

"I won't have you talk to my sister in that manner," Tan said, coming down the stairs, his hair still wet and the corners of his eye red. He needed sleep and food, not a mannerless woman.

"Tan darling, it's been a while," She said with a smile approaching him to hug him.

"Don't," He warned, raising his palm to stop her. If he had done this at the wedding, none of all that happened would have taken place.

"Are you still angry over the little incident the other day? You shouldn't be. If you want me to apologize, I could send over a letter of apology to your little girlfriend," She said silently, passing a warning to him.

What was she trying to say? Did she know Nana's whereabouts? Tan and Mi Cha exchanged questioning looks.

"I'm not angry. I'm sure you're here to meet Ji-Tae, so I won't block your way. You can greet him but never talk to my sister in that manner. I won't tolerate it," Tan said, walking over to the kitchen. He suddenly craved coffee.

Mi Cha followed him. She needed to talk with him anyway. Jin-A looked at his back angrily. She was surely going to ruin his relationship no matter what it took.


After Ji-Tae and Jin-A left the house, the siblings were alone again. Tan looked at Mi Cha, "So, how did your meeting with her go?" He asked, eyeing her curiously.

"Better than expected, we had a drink together when we were done at the house. I even got to meet her best friend," She said excitedly.

"So? Did you find out anything?" He asked, waiting for the part that concerned him.

"Sure. Before her friend came over, I mentioned your name, and her reaction told me she liked you," Mi Cha said with a mysterious smile as she told Tan about the picture she had shown Nana.

Tan wasn't willing to base his belief on his sister's suspicions. It had to be facts. He needed pure facts to be sure about Nana's feelings.

He looked at her face and suspected there was more, "Ok, out with it. What else happened?" He asked her.

"I noticed they wanted to talk about something important, and I guessed it must be about you and Ji-Tae, so I had to listen in," She said, still giving him a mysterious smile.

"So, did you eavesdrop? How did you do it?" Tan asked impatiently; he was tired of her releasing the information so slowly.

"I deliberately left my phone in her bag," She said triumphantly.

"What has that got to do with anything?" Tan asked, frowning in confusion, but instead of answering, she gave him a look that said, 'you're not stupid. Please think'.

He looked at her for a while, and then his eyes widened in surprise as realization dawned on him, "Don't tell me you were recording their conversation," He said, knowing that had to be it.

"I'm so smart. Now you get it. All I have to do now is retrieve my phone from her, and we'll know all they conversed about," Mi Cha said, clapping her hands excitedly.

Tan looked at her. He had no idea he had such a brilliant sister.

"What will you do without me?" She asked, smiling proudly.

"I have no idea," He said, standing up to hug her. Then something occurred to him.

"What if she sees it and realizes the sound recorder is on?" He asked.

"She won't be able to access it. My security is on. Besides, I scheduled my phone to go off by noon. I'm sure they would have been done with whatever discussion by that time," She said with a shrug.

"I know the look on your face, and you're awed at my intelligence, right?" Mi Cha asked, teasing Tan.

"I had no idea you were so proud," He said, laughing loudly.

"So how about we call her to say good morning? Or you don't want to hear her voice?" She asked with a wink.

"What will be the reason for the call?" He asked, not catching her drift.

"For someone who is so intelligent and runs his business so well, you're pretty clueless when Nana is involved. You have her number from yesterday; tell her you've been trying to reach me but have been unable to, so you were calling to find out from her," Mi Cha said.

"But that would upset her; she will become worried about you," Tan said.

"Just do what I asked you to do. I'll stop by her office later on, to pick up my phone and explain why I wasn't with you," Mi Cha said as she left Tan to attend to her business.

Tan looked at his phone, closed his eyes, and swallowed nervously; he was finally going to hear her voice.