"Who Is Adopting Who?"

Lee Nana decided she had to visit the elderly couple who had helped her the previous day before leaving Seoul for Incheon. She had promised to visit them and tell them why she had been hiding from Jin-A.

She brought out the complementary card the old man had given her and dialed the number on the card.

"This is Chairman Jiang's secretary. What can I do for you?" A feminine voice answered from the other end of the line.

"Please put me on to Chairman Jiang," Lee Nana said politely.

"He is in the middle of a board meeting. Is it urgent? Who should I tell him is calling?" Chairman Jiang's secretary asked.

"It can wait. You can just tell him Lee Nana called, the lady he helped yesterday," Lee Nana said in a calm voice.

Chairman Jiang, who was burning with curiosity to know his unknown caller signaled at his secretary when she returned back to the boardroom, wanting to know who it was.